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Where in the world you are is going to affect your view on the rest of the world. This category provides a breakdown of where we are where we chose to go and where we would like to go. To a lesser extent questions of weather and seasons are dealt with here as well.

I'd like to know

What is the furthest north you have traveled?
Would you ever live in Los Angeles
If you could go on a vacation anywhere in the US where would it be?
What is your favorite thing about winter?
If you could go on a vacation anywhere in Europe where would it be?
Where is the farthest you have traveled from here?
What is the furthest south you have traveled?
What is your favorite thing about summer?
What is the furthest west you have traveled?
if you could live in any other country for 2 years where would you go?
What is the furthest east you have traveled?
When was the last time you were lost?
What is the prettiest city you have ever been to?
Where did you go on vacation as a child?
What was the last vacation you went on?
If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be?
What is the most beautiful language?
Who taught you to drive?
If you had to move what city would you like to live in?
What place would you like to visit?
Where is the highest you have been and not in an airplane?
What is your favorite thing about spring?
What is the most dramatic view you have seen?
Would you ever live in New York City
How easy would it be for you to take a year off?
Did you ever get left behind as a child?
What is your favorite season?
When was the first time you went fishing?
How far would you drive to save $20?
What animal makes you smile?
What is the farthest up have ever walked?
What major company would you like to work for?
What sports team do you love to see lose?
What is your dream car?

Asking the right questions is more important than knowing the answers.

Get To Know you Questiosn for all ages.