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What motivates you to exersize?
Have you ever been mentioned in the newspaper?
If you life had a sound track what song would you pick for it?
What TV show are you embarrassed about watching?
What traditions did your family have?
What is the furthest north you have traveled? 
How would you explain love to somebody who had never heard of it before?
When was the most peaceful day you have had?
If you had to act your age what behavior would you change?
Do you feel you have a purpose or calling in life?

These questions are ideal for speed dating, first dates, second dates, third dates. It is also useful for parties, team building, corporate events. You may want to use this to spur thought when filling out your profile on Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, e Harmony, match and so forth. It is ideal  for any situation where you may need a conversation starter of fear awkward silences in conversation.

Fun get to know you questions for all ages