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What you talk about when there is nothing to talk about

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This site is put together in our spare time. It is managed in our spare time and funded by us. It is not an expensive site to run but the cost for bandwidth, hosting, software and licenses do add up. At some point we need to make this site pay for its self or it will have to come down. We are shamelessly asking for your help. We need:

Your questions- There is no way that the two of us could come up with 500 + get to know you questions and another 500 Life Lessons Questions without the support and input of our user base. Thank you to all of those who submitted questions. Please help us out with more.

Your stories- We would really like to hear how you have used these questions and the impact that they have had on your life and relationships. If we see that this is having a positive impact we will continue to subsidize the server costs. Please see out testimonials page and tell us what you think.

Your Links- If you have a website or a blog we would appreciate a shout out and a link. These questions can spur thought and may be the foundation for interesting and mundane blog posts alike.

Financial Support. If you are unable to contribute as outlined above. We could always use cash. Likewise if you did send us your story or pose your own question and still want to help. You can donate via paypal

Advertising -We do have limited and hopeful not annoying advertizing. Please support our sponsors.

Thank you for visiting.


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