Random questions from the 1000 plus get to know you questions in our library.
Here are 25 Random Get to Know You Questions and Conversation Starters :
How do you express love? Is there a sport you love to play but hate to watch? When was the last time you cried? What do you never what to hear you father say? If you had an extra hour every day what would you do with it? What celebrity crush have you had? What was your first paying job? When you have out of town guests what do you show them? Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Why? What do you do to wake up in the morning? When did you realized that you were smarter than your parents? Not counting your religion, which religions do you find interesting? Why? What is the closest you have come to getting caught cheating? What is the cheapest price you can ever remember paying for gas? How long was your longest relationship? Have you ever gotten up early for a "black Friday sale"? When was the last time you needed someone to talk to? If you owned a luxury yacht, what would you name it? Who do you admire as a leader? What song do you listen to when you are feeling sorry for your self? What do you remember about your Grandfather? What is your best personality trait? What three adjectives best describe you? What culture not your own do you respect?
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Electricity can be dangerous. My nephew tried to stick a penny into a plug. Whoever said a penny doesn't go far didn't see him shoot across that floor. I told him he was grounded. - Tim Allen