(would you rather) Classic dilemmas where you have to chose between two alternatives. All thought there is value in the answer to each of the questions the greater value is in why a given option was chosen. This format tends to appeal to guys.
Random Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather eat one and a half pounds of icecream in under 60 seconds or run 5 miles?
Would you rather have the details of your romantic life be made into a hit sit-com or have every one you meet know your personal finances?
Would you rather be able to fly or turn invisible?
Would you rather have your own action figure or a wildly popular YouTube video?
Would you rather have a home with a great living room or a great back yard?
Would you rather speak in public for 30 minutes be with out your car for two days.
Would you rather have to listen to someone else complain or have no one who will listen to you complain?
Would you rather have a best friend who knows everything about you and cannot not keep a secret or be unable to keep a secret yourself?
Would you rather die after a year of suffering from a prolonged Illness after or die instantaneously but be unable to say good bye to anyone?
Would you rather have one year off at your current rate of pay or work your current job for a year at double your current rate of pay?
Would you rather have a car radio that you cannot change the station and you cannot turn off or no car radio at all?
Would you want to be forever 21 years old physically if it meant that you were also forever 21 financially?
Would you rather spend the next week sleeping more than 12 hours per night or less than 4 hours per night?
Would you rather have a photographic memory or gain an extra 40 IQ points?
Would you rather have your jaw wired shut for one month or eat a whole pizza in front of a starving child?
Would you rather spend 3 days being forced to communicate only by guessers and charades or hitch-hike from where you are now to Boaz Alabama?
Would you rather get caught checking out a stranger or caught lying to a friend?
Would you rather have a classic 1969 convertible Mustang or have the use of a beach side condo any time you want?
Would you rather have the respect of your child or your boss?
Would you rather speak in front of 100 of your peers or go bungee jumping?
Would you rather be able to run a marathon in an Olympic qualifying time or be able to do extremely complex math in your head?
Would you rather communicate only by text message for the next four days or eat nothing but Mac & Cheese for the next three weeks?
Would you rather spend one year sailing around the world or one year living in the heart of London?
Would you rather be able to stop time at will of age at half the normal human rate?
In some sort of crude sense, which no vulgarity, no humor, no overstatement can quite extinguish, the physicists have known sin; and this is a knowledge which they cannot lose. - J. Robert Oppenheimer