Perplex and confound your friends with random would you rahter questions. Classic dilemmas where you have to chose between two alternatives. All thought there is value in the answer to each of the questions the greater value is in why a given option was chosen. This format tends to appeal to guys.
Random Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather have the only computer you can use be an Atari 2600 or have all of your email sent out, unknown to you, to your entire address book?
Would you rather write a best-selling novel or be an expert at picking stocks?
Would you rather be 100 percent debt free or have good health guaranteed for the next 10 years?
Would you rather baby sit 3 month old triplets for 4 hours or go with out food and water for the next 24 hours?
Would you rather spend a year teaching at an inner-city school or spend one month as a beat cop in the same neighborhood?
Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into the future or 3 years into the future?
Would you rather change any one decision from you past or have $40,000 free and clear?
Would you rather have the respect of your child or your boss?
Would you rather have great hair or the ability to cheer up any sad child?
Would you rather have to load or empty the dishwasher?
Would you rather have a vending machine eat your money and give you nothing in return or get stopped at every red light on your way into work?
Would you rather have many causal friends or one close one?
Would you rather have a photographic memory or be able to forget anything you wanted?
Would you want to be forever 21 years old physically if it meant that you were also forever 21 financially?
Would you rather be able to travel to the 3 most amazing places on earth or have ever meal you eat for the rest of your life prepared by a gourmet chef?
Would you rather be a highly paid professional athlete or serve as the president of a prestigious university?
Would you rather be completely indifferent to what other people think of you or have a completely and uncensored understanding of what other people think of you?
Would you rather spend one year in full Downton Abbey costume or spend the next 45 days living in Kiev, Ukraine?
Would you rather receive $1,000,000 as a sure thing or have a 50/50 chance at $1,000,000,000?
Would you rather know with out a doubt the purpose and direction of you life or never have to worry about money for the rest of your life?
Would you rather shave your eyebrows or accidently send a nasty computer virus to 1000 of your friends, classmates and colleagues?
Would you rather, Work your current job for the next year at double your current rate of pay, or have the next year off at full pay?
Would you rather eat one and a half pounds of icecream in under 60 seconds or run 5 miles?
Would you rather lose your sense of taste and smell or lose your ability to distinguish colors?