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Family Get To Know You Questions

Family (Home & Family) Family

Our family and home do more to shape who we are more than anything else. It is only appropriate that we look at where we come from.  This category covers our relationships with our parents and children. Also, our  siblings and spouses and extend family.

What music do you and you father have in common?

If you had an extra room in your house what would you use it for?

What did you do during your childhood summers?

What do you think the afterlife is like?

What do you want to do with your retirement?

What traditions did your family have?

Would you ever live in Los Angeles?

What is your warmest birthday memory?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Did you ever want to change your name? If is to what?

What song was unique to your family growing up?

What song do you sing in the shower?

What was the first thing you learned to cook?

When was the most peaceful day you have had?

What room in the house do you most like to spend time in?

How would you like your family to commemorate your life?

If you had to act your age what behavior would you change?

What is your favorite thing about your dad?

What vegetable do you hate?

In what way are your parents out of date?

What exotic pet would you like to have?

Who taught you to cook?

What makes you feel safe?

What did your father like to cook?

There is a reason why Question and Quest have the same root word. They both come from the Anglo-English queste. Same they both in involve seeking or pursuing something. When viewed in light of the quests from the days of chivalry it difficult to imagine Sir Galahad leaving on a quest and not knowing what he is seeking. Likewise you should know what conversational your goals are and build questions to match.


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Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you. - Kahlil Gibran