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The Life Lessons Questions are a different set of questions than the Get To Know You questions. There is some significant overlap between the questions. Some of these questiosn will be less meaningful taken out of context. Here are some random questions taken from the Life Lessons set.

Here are 20 Random Life Lesson Questions :


Would you rather have nine children or never be able to have any children of your own?

If you had an extra room in your house what would you use it for?

If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown, too?

If money deosn't grow on trees, why do banks have branches?

If you could trade bodies with another player who would it be? What is their best physical feature?

Would you rather have a home with a great living room or a great back yard?

Are there any customs restrictions on what you can bring into or out of the country?

What role will religion play in your life?

If you could have lunch with anyone living who would it be?

What is the repayment plan and time period?

f you could steel any one thing and get away with it what would you take?

when was the first time you got stitches?

If you had a 60 second Super Bowl advertisement what would you want to show a billion people?

If you could break one law with impunity what would it be?

If you could be invisible for one day what would you do?

Would you rather look better in photographs than you do in person or look better in person than you do in photographs?

On a scale of 1-10, how strict are your parents?

What TV show are you embarrassed about watching?

When was the first time you saw the ocean?

What is your favorite vacation that you have ever been on?


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The mountain leaves its mark on me. I do not leave my mark on it? - Glenn Morley