Entertainment Get To Know You Questions
Entertainment (Literature, Fashion & Music ) 
It is a natural human need to entertain ourselves. What we find entertaining and what we seek out to occupy or minds says a great deal about us. This category also addresses Fashion along with the more traditional forms of entertainment.
Have you ever been mentioned in the newspaper?
What makes you laugh?
What color underwear are you wearing
What is your favorite shirt?
Who is your favorite Super Hero?
Have you ever won a trophy?
If you could be a professional athlete what sport would you play?
When was the first time you went fishing?
What was your favorite TV show growing up?
If you had 10 minutes on a popular TV talk show, what would you talk about?
What cartoon character do you identify with?
What is the best adaptation of a book to a movie?
What movie can you watch over and over again?
What fitness goals do you have?
What poem do you have committed to memory?
What do you think is the most difficult sport?
What is your favorite song from a Disney Movie?
Do you consider yourself a sore loser? Why?
What book would you like to read?
What was the last book you read?
What animal makes you smile?
What acronym is most overused at work?
What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?
What commercial do you like?
These questions are ideal for speed dating, first dates, second dates, third dates. It is also useful for parties, team building, corporate events. You may want to use this to spur thought when filling out your profile on Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, e Harmony, match and so forth. It is idealĀ for any situation where you may need a conversation starter of fear awkward silences in conversation.
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Age is all mind over matter, If you don t mind, it doesn t matter. - Jack Benny