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If you could change careers tomorrow what would you do?

What American city does not deserve a place on the map? Why?

What was the best complement you have ever received?

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?

What three adjectives best describe you?

If you owned a luxury yacht, what would you name it?

What is the biggest indication that someone is a nerd?

What food did you love as a child but do not eat now?

What is your favorite movie line?

What are two things that you consider yourself to be very good at?

What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Is there anything that you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances?

What three adjectives best describe you?

How you are feeling today and phrase it in the in the form of a weather report. (For example, partly cloudy, sunny with a chance for showers, etc.)

What celebrity irritates you the most?

What is a good thing happening in your life right now? What makes it good?

Where is your family blood line from?

When you where a child, did you ever run away from home?

If you talked in your sleep what secrets are you afraid you might reveal?

When was an embarrassing time you lost your wallet?

Who do you work with that you really respect?

How did you start working for your current employer?

What is the best thing to get to eat near work?

How is your commute into work?

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These questions are ideal for a fist date. They provide you with the option steer and interesting conversation. You can also build a connection based on shared past experience and shared emotions. Most importantly in a dating or relationship environment these questions give you insight into who there person you are sitting across from really is.

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Check It Out: Questions By Category (School & Education) More than 100 questions on or about education. Often the most important lessons we learn are not the ones that are intended. 


You see, my ambition was not to confound the engineering world but simply to create a beautiful piece of art. - Kit Williams