This classic party games has staying power for a reason. These question and dares are funny and engaging if somewhat embarrassing. The questions outlined here can be used alone to play the game or can be used as a launching point to create your own questions. These questions are designed to address groups of teens through adults. There is no blatantly adult content but it is not suitable for younger readers.
Three Random Truth or Dare Question
What was your worst day at school?
Who would you consider the worst date in your school?
Check It Out: Take a trip on the hypothetical side 100 hypothetical questions for introspection, pondering, and reflection. It is a good way to get to know your self and others.
Take it from a guy: If you are in love with somebody, you will swim the stream, you will climb the mountain, you will slay the dragon. You are going to get to her somehow, some way. - Phil Mc Graw