Random jaw dropping dares, they are funny and engaging if somewhat embarrassing dares. The dares outlined here can be used alone to play the game or can be used as a launching point to create your own challenges. These dares are designed to address groups of teens through adults. There is no blatantly adult content but it is not suitable for younger players.
Have another player style your hair. Be sure to be generous with the hairspray.
Lick the bathroom floor.
Put on a blindfold and have three other players blow in your ear. See if you can guess who each is.
For the rest of the evening wear a bicycle helmet. If a helmet is unavailable enlist the other players to help you fashion one out of cardboard, foil or whatever is available.
Go to the kitchen and eat something that is not meant to be eaten alone (like chili powder, pepper, etc).
Use a seductive voice to tell another player about one of your turn offs
Pick your nose and show the results to the group?
Cluck like a chicken every time someone says your name. Continue this for the rest of the game.
Shake a strangers hand and refuse to let go.
Post "just finished watching sesame street and I think big bird is pregnant." to your facebook status
Blow a raspberry on the stomach of another player
Tell the group where you are ticklish and have another player tickle you
Place some food on a plate on the floor do push-up over the plate and eat a bite every time you go down.
Give a piggyback ride to or receive a piggyback ride from another player.
Sit astride another players back or lap and peddle as if riding a bicycle. Pantomime an entire Tour de France style bicycle race complete with hill assents, passing other players and a triumphant finish. The performance should last at least two minutes.
Perform an interpretive dance without the aid of any music.
Select another player and describe in detail what you would have them do if they were your slave for the next hour. What would you have them do? (The selected player must then accept or reject the offer to become your slave.)
Do a head-stand or a hand stand for 60 seconds.
Place both your hands in another players pockets and keep them there for 15 minutes. You must each perform a dare before you are allowed to remove them.
Name all seven of Snow White's dwarfs. Any you are unable to name in 30 seconds will be written on your arms, legs, belly or face by the other players.
Competition is the final price determinant and competitive prices may result in profits which force you to accept a rate of return less than - Alfred P Sloanyou hoped for, or for that matter to accept temporary losses.