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Life Lessons (50 Questions about your first time)

Life Lessons (Fifty Firsts) - Explore the firsts in your life. This collection of questions that dives into 50 experience that denote minor and major life changes. These questions are great to share with new friends and old ones.

50 Firsts, 50 engaging questions on life experiences and the first time you had them

What was the first big ticket item you purchased?

What was the first book that made you cry?

Where was your first road trip?

Why did you break-up with your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

What was the first thing you ever won?

Who was your fist best friend?

When was the first time you let a friend down?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

When was the first Christmas you realized that Santa clause was not real?

When was your first trip to Las Vegas?

When was the first time people looked to you in a crisis?

When was the first time you realized that you were smarter than your parents?

Who was your first sweetheart that you took home to meet your parents?

Who was your first love?

When was the first time you realized that you were in way over your head?

What was your first phone number?

What was your fist time in the hospital?

When was the first time you finished something really big?

When was the first time you took responsibility for someone elses mistake?

When was the first time you say the ocean?

How old where you when you first drank alcohol ?

Who was the first person you had a crush on?

Who was the first person you voted for?

What was your first email address?

What was your first slow dance like?

Who was the first person to have a crush on you?

What do you remember about your first day of school?

When was the first time someone close to you died?

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First Time

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Dignify and glorify common labor. It is at the bottom of life that we must begin, not at the top. - Booker T Washington